Oh friends, today is such a fun day, with an announcement I am so thrilled to share!
The new MomHeart Podcast is live!
Sally Clarkson is a long time friend and mentor who I have had the privilege to work with for the past five years. There are few women I admire or respect more. Her books began to open my heart to a vision for motherhood when my children were itty bitty and our friendship has been full of adventure and camaraderie and chocolate.... Podcasting is as close as we can get to inviting you into some of our conversations! We would love to have you join us on iTunes or by clicking play right here.
We'll be recording each week and we'd love to answer your questions, and speak to topics that are relevant to you as a mom. Today, we are introducing you to who we are and a peek into our lives and ministry. Would you let me know what you think? And what you'd like to hear us discuss? You can leave any specific questions or topic ideas in the comments.
Here's to a great beginning!