Motherhood is a Marathon.
I've heard Sally say it so many times. But now, I'm feeling it.
My days begin much as they always have as a mother, my youngest is just seven and so we are up early, making breakfast, getting hair and teeth brushed, preparing for school. The difference now, however, is that my teenagers are up late at night- those moonlit hours are when they finally want to talk, to open their hearts and share their worlds...and lately, I'm just so tired I can barely keep up with them.
Discipleship looks different in this season too. Do I walk beside or continue to lead and guide and shape these children who appear so much like adults before me? Gone are the days of simple instructions, now we are steeped in deep discussions about calling and gospel and its literally working out in their souls and lives. I feel like I'm growing right along side them, learning how to mother in this new season that is stretching all of us.
Are you there too? Wondering what discipleship looks like as motherhood moves forward? Sally and I are excited to be talking about Discipleship for our next podcast series. We so hope you'll join us. You can click on the link below or find us on iTunes on the At Home With Sally channel.
Thankful to be in the thick of these days with you friends,