You Don't Have to Go It Alone {and A HUGE Favorite Things Giveaway with Suzanne Bowen Fitness!}

I am so excited to be teaming up with some of my favorite bloggers in a Round Robin Style, Favorite Things Giveaway this week!

One of you will win a one year membership to Suzanne Bowen Fitness!

 Sometimes the internet feels like the loneliest place on earth, like a big pretend world, and yet, it can also be the place where the sweetest friendships are forged. For me its often felt like both, but mostly the latter.

The life of a writer can be pretty solitary. To work, I need my brain, my notebooks and my trusty laptop. I love what I do. I mean, I really love it, but sometimes, I can get stuck in my head full of questions about how I'm working, tools I'm using, technology, trends, ideas... I crave that water cooler talk with others, where we share experiences and learn from each other. Enter my "mastermind" group -a group of bloggers joining together to collaborate and share ideas. One big brain. Joining this group has become a beautiful way to connect with others and cultivate community.  Its one way to begin traveling together and reject the idea of going it all alone, and it has become the sweetest of gifts.

If you are a blogger, or working in any field and feel isolated, I would highly recommend joining or starting a group like this of your very own. If you're wondering how to begin, check out this amazing podcast from my dear friend Kat over at How They Blog :  How to Start and Run a Mastermind Group. The most important thing though? Don't be afraid to ask others to join you! You'll find most people will be excited for opportunities to link arms and join you and be encouraged that you reached out!

So now to the fun part- gifts all around!

All week long, you can visit and enter and win some wonderful prizes at each of our blogs linked below. Here at Hope With Feathers I am so excited to share my all time favorite fitness resource and introduce you to someone who has become a dear friend, Suzanne Bowen of Suzanne Bowen Fitness! 

Suzanne has got to be one of the sweetest women I have ever met. She is kind, encouraging,  has an incredible passion for helping others and has been featured in countless magazines and television shows to share her BarreAmped method. She is truly an expert in her industry. You can read more about her story here: Meet Suzanne

One thing about me and fitness? We don't naturally go together. I was a dancer and a swimmer growing up and never really thought about self care until after I became a mom. It was easy to stay fit and healthy without thinking about it. In the last five years though, after facing some serious health issues, increased stress, two miscarriages, grief, and some depression- being healthy in my mind and heart, as well as my body has become a daily battle. I didn't know where to begin to get healthy or how to fit it into my life.

My friend Summer shared SBF with me a little less than a year ago and I thought... I could do this. I really could. SBF was life-changing and accessible to a busy mom at home or traveling. It is an incredible workout, but also very wholistic in its approach to my body that was healing. There are over 200 barre, mat, interval, cardio and core workouts to stream from SBF on any device 24/7. Suzanne is encouraging and real in her videos and super intentional about answering questions through her comments section and face book page. She has truly become a personal trainer and friend that is actively a part of my life. SBF also offers an online community on Facebook, seasonal challenges, and beautiful food guides designed by a certified nutritionist. Its kind of amazing to be able to have the gym come to you, not by just popping in a workout video, but in a way that is more personal and includes a level of accountability and support.

I am so thankful for what Suzanne brings to my life, and I am so excited that she is offering her program to one of you!! We don't have to go it alone, girls. In work, in health, in life...we can team up to be better, together. I will choose two winners, one for the year long SBF membership and one for a selection of SBF BarreAmped DVDs. (These are coded for North America, so friends in the EU and elsewhere will need a compatible DVD player).

To Enter, use the Rafflecopter below and don't forget to visit the other bloggers linked below! Some of the things they are offering will knock your socks off! 


We are so thankful to share our favorite things with you- but most of all, thankful for community and that you are here with us! You don't have to go it alone, friends.
